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初三英语教案-I used to be afraid of the dark教案

来源:学大教育     时间:2016-03-04 15:37:23

初中英语学习对大家至关重要,要想掌握书本上的内容必须学会阅读教学教案,这样才能使大家了解要学习的重点知识,为此学大教育网小编为大家带来初三英语教案-I used to be afraid of the dark教案,希望能够提高初中生的英语学习效果。

第1课时 Unit 2 Section A 1a—2c

【Learning objectives】

1. Knowing: used to

2. Habit-forming: "used to" sentence pattern

3. Communicating: talk about what you used to be like

【Important learning points】

1. Habit-forming: "used to" sentence pattern

2. Communicating: talk about what you used to be like

【Learning process】

一、 自主学习

Task 1 : 运用used to询问某人过去的特征

1、 回忆有关描述人的外貌特征及个性的词语,完成部分1a表格


Task 2: 听力练习


2、 听录音完成2a

3、 听录音完成2b

Task 3: 理解应用

1、口头描述Mario, Amy,Tina, Paula, Steve等人的过去


弹钢琴 __________________ 踢足球 ___________________

对…更有兴趣_____________________ 在游泳队_________________

你不记得我了吗?____________________________ ?

二、 合作共建

学习Grammar Focus中的句子,理解归纳used to的用法

1、used to意为:

2、used to后面加

3、used to的否定式有两种形式

4、used to的反意疑问句

5、 used to的一般疑问式为

三、 系统小结

总结: "used to" 句型的陈述句、一般疑问句、否定句,举例说明




四、 诊断评价


1、Amy used to ___________ (play) soccer.

2、His sister used to be quiet, now she is outgoing.

3、our headteacher is very s__________. We often get nervous when we see him.

4、He's i____________ in playing the piano.


A: Hey, Amy,it's _____ to see you.

B: Hi,Li Lei. How are you?

A: _________. Wow, you have changed.

B: Really? How?

A: Well, you _________ _____ have long hair.

B: You remember that? Yes, I did.

A: And you ________ _____ ______ really tall!

B: Not at all. You're ________ than me now. And I remember you ______

____ ________ basketball. What about playing basketball now?

A: OK. Let's ______.


He used to go to school by bike.








初三英语教案-I used to be afraid of the dark教案是学大教育网小编为大家精心的,希望初中生们在学习英语的时候要好好阅读教案,想要获取更多的初中英语教案内容,请登录学大教育网。

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