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小学英语故事-Rabbit the hunter

来源:学大教育     时间:2015-03-27 17:40:13

许多同学对英文故事十分的感兴趣,那么今天小编就来为大家分享和总结一下关于小学英语故事-Rabbit the hunter的相关信息,希望同学们能够认真的来学习一下这篇故事,从而更好地提升自己的英文水平。

Rabbit the hunter

Once upon a time , there was a rabbit and a turtle. The rabbit always laughed at the turtle. “I’m fast and you’re slow.” “Well, let’s race!” said the turtle. All the animals came to watch. They got ready. The race began. The rabbit ran very fast, but the turtle was very slow. The rabbit was way ahead. So he decided to take a nap. But the turtle went on running. He ran and ran. Two birds woke up the rabbit. “Oh, no!” said the rabbit, “I slept too long.” The rabbit got up and ran as fast as he could. But it was too late. The turtle won the race! And the rabbit never laughed at the turtle again.

以上就是小编为大家分享和总结的关于小学英语故事-Rabbit the hunter的相关信息,希望同学们能够很好地将这一部分的知识给掌握扎实了,将自己的成绩提升上去。

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