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来源:学大教育     时间:2015-04-08 20:22:32



a: what kind of place shall we rent?

b:it should be close to the universtity. neither of us are good at getting up in the morinings and closer it is, the later we can get up.

a:asolutely. that's the most important thing to take into consideration. i'm not too worried about the size of the flat.

b: neither am i. so a small place is ok, but we'll get a bigger one if it's not expensive. do you mind if it's in a noisy area.

a:i don't mind. i'm not a light sleeper, but quieter is better for when we have to study at home.

b: good point. ok, let's go to the estate agent and see what they can offer us.

a: yes, if we're lucky we'll find something in the next few days. i think you had a good idea to start flat hunting early.

b: how much do you think the rent will be?

a: i asked a few people who are already living in places near the university and they said it would cost about one hundred pounds a month.


A: I like this apartment. Do you think we can afford the mortgage?

B: yes. I think so. It’s not a very expensive apartment. It’s in the right area and it has everything that we are looking for. The rooms are quite large too.

A: I love the balcony. We can sit outside and enjoy the sun in summer. We are on the 12th floor, so there’s very nice view from the balcony.

B: the neighbourhood is nice too. There is a park nearby.

A: yes, and there are many houses nearby. I like it that the neighbourhood isn’t full of apartment blocks.

B: it’s a pity we can’t afford a house. A garden would be so nice.

A: yes, it would. Don’t worry. There’s a lawn outside the building and there’s the park nearby. This place will be fine.

B: the building is quite new and well constructed. I’m happy with the fittings too.

A: yes, everything has been well designed.


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